Posted by mknight

Death Cafe Marrickville

Hosted by Dr Michele Knight


June 25, 2016

Start time:

2:15 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time)

End time:

4:30 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time)


Parliament on King

632 King Street






Gold coin entry donation in support of local charity.

This Death Cafe has taken place

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About this Death Cafe

About Death Cafe Marrickville:

Death, that final process of

transition which we all ultimately

engage with, is an event in our

lives frequently feared and often



A Death Café provides an

opportunity for death to ‘come out

of the closet’, to stand up and be

counted, and to be

psychologically, emotionally and

spiritually deconstructed.


How does death teach us to live? 

How does death help us

understand ourselves and our

relationship to the spiritual



How can we allow death to hold us

gently in its hands without fear and



Good questions, now let’s talk

about that!

About Dr Michele Knight

About Michele Knight:

Dr MICHELE KNIGHT (Grad. Cert. Theology, BHSc Aboriginal Health & Community Development, MASc Aboriginal Health & Community Development, PhD Social Work, Master of Social Work (Qualifying), Candidate) is a Social Scientist.

Her interest and research in death, dying and the afterlife has its origin in the lived experiences of her own life, which includes her bereavement, the returning deceased and the communal and attitudinal response to those experiences. 

Her prevailing philosophy is that the subjective experiences and understandings of the meaning of death, and the dead, evidence a changing and shifting theoretical and intellectual discourse which is revisioning how individuals conceptualise what they are as human beings, why they exist as spiritual beings in a physical body, and why the dead, by their cross-cultural presence, offer us an invitation to live more consciously. 

She has extensive involvement in community development, support, and advocacy in both a professional and voluntary capacity. Since 2006 that has encompassed the for-profit and the not-for-profit sector in the areas of Bereavement and Grief, Hospital Chaplaincy and Pastoral Care, and Academic Lecturing/Tutoring. 

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