Death Cafe in NDG

Hosted by Sheryl Beller-Kenner, Naturopath, Certified HeartMath® Trainer & Wellness Coach


May 17, 2017

Start time:

7:00 p.m. (EDT)

End time:

9:00 p.m. (EDT)


Belarome Holistic Health Centre

3285 Cavendish Blvd.,

Suite 550


Montreal QC

H4B 2L9



Donations are welcome to help defray costs.

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About this Death Cafe

I have been working with individuals to help them manage their feelings of loss and grief, and I have been teaching them many techniques to use to let go of the negative feelings that block them from connecting to themselves and others and from planning their most productive present and future.  I think that the format of Death Cafe permits each person to clarify his/her own values, to be free to express him/herself in a safe, supportive environment, and to enjoy sharing the ideas and support of others.


About Sheryl Beller-Kenner, Naturopath, Certified HeartMath® Trainer & Wellness Coach

As death is an integral part of life, my own life experience has included many deaths -- of beloved ones, of loved choices, and of heart-held dreams. In North American culture, we are taught to deny our losses and move forward as quickly as we can.  However, as I have seen in my practice as a naturopath and wellness coach at BelArôme Holistic Health Centre in Montreal, unexpressed loss leads to an unhealthy life; death and loss must be integrated with life and growth in order for one to have a rich, balanced life.



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