Posted by Noirlumen

Hosted by Monica Doyle and Jennifer Vines


Nov. 8, 2015

Start time:

2:00 p.m. (eastern standard time)

End time:

4:00 p.m. (eastern standard time)


The Athanaeum

407 E. Michigan Street



United States


Free. Donations not expected, nor rejected.

This Death Cafe has taken place

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About this Death Cafe

Death Cafe is an international movement, and Indianapolis is represented here. There are numerous reasons to attend, but all are acceptable.  We have been gratified to see the interest growing, and stimulated by the conversation.  Eat cake. Drink a hot beverage. Chat about death.  No views are pushed, all points of view encouraged. Conversation is driven by guest interest.


Death Cafe Indy meets in the Damenverein Suite, on the west end of the building.  You may enter through the westernmost door on Michigan, or through the Rathskeller entrance, to take the elevator to the second floor.

Contact the organiser of this Death Cafe
