Hosted by Janine and Lisa


Nov. 2, 2015

Start time:

7:00 p.m. (Eastern)

End time:

9:00 p.m. (Eastern)


Herkimer, NY


United States


We will be suggesting minimal donations to cover costs of paper and supplies and refreshments.

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About this Death Cafe

For our first event we will be meeting in a residential location. We would like to meet monthly or every other month. We eventually would like to meet in a public forum, to allow for new people to feel comfortable in attending and to provide a more centralized location.

We decided to run a Death Cafe because we want to provide a safe haven where people can go without judgement to discuss and explore the concept of death   and that it does not have to be feared.  

About Janine and Lisa

Janine is a Pagan Minister who respects all paths in life and is studying for her Interfaith degree and counseling degree. She is also a Reiki Master, short term counselor and advocate for Domestic VIolence and Sexual Assault Victims.

Janine is married to Dave and together they live in Herkimer, NY with their two kitties, Meade and Stormcloud Ninja. In her spare time, she writes poetry, short stories, novels and columns, practices yoga and is an amateur photorgrapher.  She and David love to camp, garden, kayak, and take long rides on his motorcycle.