Posted by Tig

Hosted by Tricia Williams


March 15, 2025

Start time:

12:30 p.m. (GMT)

End time:

2:00 p.m. (GMT)



Contact the organiser


Central Library

Riverside House

Main St


South Yorkshire

S60 1LW

United Kingdom



About this Death Cafe

I first started hosting a local Death Cafe in 2024 after seeing the need for this during Covid lockdowns.

We now have a new venue at the central library and I'm looking forward to our new start.

I aim to provide a space for everyone to talk, to raise issues, to express yourselves.

We will be supplying light snacks and drinks at no charge

About Tricia Williams

I've been interested in helping facilitate discussions around death and dying for some years.

I have a degree in psychology and am an occasional school speaker.

I am supported by the local Baha'i community, but our meetings are for anyone and everyone who wants to talk, or just listen to others talk about death.

Contact the organiser of this Death Cafe

Contact the organiser of this Death Cafe

