Posted by Tom Favale

Jefferson City, East TN Death Cafe

Hosted by Tom Favale


Jan. 25, 2025

Start time:

12:30 p.m. (Eastern)

End time:

1:45 p.m. (Eastern)


Jefferson City Public Library

108 City Center Drive

Jefferson City, TN

Small Conference Room


United States



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About this Death Cafe

Tom has attended numerous Death Cafes and is looking forward to hosting the first Death Cafe in Jefferson County, TN.  This is a free event open to all adults.  I will maintain a safe space where sharing ideas, thoughts, and experiences around death can take place.  Examples of discussion include:     How do I tell my story before I die?    What do I do with my things?   What kind of celebration/ritual do I want? 

Expectations include maintaining respect for others' ideas and thoughts, not giving advice, withholding judgement of others, and listening with curiosity. This is not a counseling or grief support group.  In the spirit of the original Death Cafe, light refreshments will be provided.


Visit us on FaceBook at East TN Death Cafe

About Tom Favale

Tom is both a veterinarian and social worker with a genuine interest in learning about and sharing information from our human experiences. 

Contact the organiser of this Death Cafe
