Posted by Sollars

Hosted by Linda Sollars and Karen Keeran


Jan. 4, 2025

Start time:

1:30 p.m. (MST)

End time:

3:00 p.m. (MST)


Mills Building (Behind Church)

14350 West 32nd Ave

Golden, CO 80401


United States



This Death Cafe has taken place

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About this Death Cafe

This is our monthly Death Cafe meeting, hosted by Linda Sollars, a professor and career coach and Karen Keeran, a certified death doula. We discuss and share the experiences, thoughts, questions and concerns around the topic of dying and death. There is no set agenda and everyone is welcome to gather together

over snacks and drinks, and participate, if desired.


About Linda Sollars and Karen Keeran


Linda is an educator, trainer and a credentialed career consultant, providing inspiring, heartfelt, and common sense solutions for her clients. She believes we all carry the seeds of greatness, the magic of creativity, the depth of courage, and the power of authenticity. Linda is all about seeking knowledge and she finds passion and purpose in the Death Cafe concept.


As an end of life doula, Coach and former hospice CNA, Karen is passionate about meeting people where they are and having open and conversations around the topic of death, dying and the impermanence of life. Her personal mission is for everyone to experience as much peace as possible, when death is nearing for ourselves and our loved ones.

Contact the organiser of this Death Cafe
