Hosted by West London Death Cafe


Dec. 13, 2024

Start time:

4:00 p.m. (GMT)

End time:

6:00 p.m. (GMT)



Contact the organiser

To be held at a private location

About this Death Cafe

Too many people carry fears about death that they cannot discuss with friends or family. 

A death cafe is a safe place to explore your feelings and thoughts so that you can live your life free of fear and able to share these important things with the people closest to you.

We sit is small groups, each table has a facilitator to make sure everyone gets their turn and thihngs run smootly.  The cafe on site does not open until 5pm, so you wil need to bring a hot drink if you need one. 

About West London Death Cafe

Indra Jones -

Indra is a qualified and experienced energy psychologist and energy medicine practiioner, specialising in serious and life changing diagnoses.  Many of her clients are facing their mortality.

She beleives that group discussion feeds our soul and is essential to our sense of connection and living and dying well.

Francis Ngale -

Francis has many years' expereince working with carers, specialising in supporting those who are caring for a dying friend or relative.  We welcome his return to West London Death Cafe from a demanding higher degree course!

Emily Engel -

Emily co-founded West London Deqth Cafe six yeaers ago, having become involved in working with individuals and their nearest and dearest facing death.

She believes that Death Cafes are a way of helping people voice their  thoughts and clarify their feelings around death, which can build  the confidence to talk to friends and family and overcome fear.

Contact the organiser of this Death Cafe
