Hosted by Samantha Potter of Rubicon's Edge Consulting

An Online Death Cafe

Virtual address:


United States

This Death Cafe has taken place

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About this Death Cafe

Let's make death a normal part of life.


By making discussions about death taboo--even around those with a terminal prognosis, we are doing a disservice to ourselves, our loved ones, and our culture in general.

About Samantha Potter of Rubicon's Edge Consulting

Rubicon's Edge, your host for this Death Cafe offers Life Transitions Coaching, End-of-Life Doula Services, and Positive Intelligence® small-group coaching. 


Your facilitator, Samantha Potter, is living her legacy by bringing the light of knowledge and acceptance of death and the dying process.


Samantha has been a resident of the greater Spokane area since 1982, is a Registered Paralegal with Lucent Law, specializing in Estate Planning prior to death and Estate and Trust Administration after death for the past 27 years.

Through her own business, Rubicon's Edge Consulting, Samantha is an End of Life Doula for those approaching death and actively dying, and  a Life Coach for those who wish to maximise the last season of their life, fulfill their legacy and plan for their eventual death.

* Spokane County Registered Paralegal

* NEDA Doula Member

* Univ. of Vermont Medical School Professional End of Life Doula Certificate

* INELDA Member and trained End-of-Life Doula

* Doulagivers Certified End of Life Doula

* Member of The Institue for the Study of Birth, Breath and Life

* Positive Intelligence Coach™

Contact the organiser of this Death Cafe



June 23, 2024

Start time:

9:00 a.m. (Pacific)

End time:

10:30 a.m. (Pacific)