Posted by Julievw

Hosted by Julie Van Wezemael


March 29, 2024

Start time:

8:00 p.m. (gmt+1)

End time:

10:00 p.m. (gmt+1)


Lange Steenstraat 14

9000, Gent





Accepts donations

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About this Death Cafe

This event is part of Kunsthal’s Friday Nights program. During 10 Friday evenings, Kunsthal provides a platform for artists, organizations or collectives. Each Friday is different and the activities can range from talks to conversations, dinners or performances.

About Julie Van Wezemael

Josefien Cornette

Jose­fien Cor­net­te is an artist-wri­ter. Jose­fien has a mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­na­ry prac­ti­ce with a back­ground in art his­to­ry, femi­nism, queer stu­dies and disa­bi­li­ty stu­dies. Jose­fien was edi­tor at rekto:verso, whe­re it co-ordi­na­ted the issue CRIP, col­la­bo­ra­ted with Enga­ge­ment Arts and today is buil­ding a grass­roots move­ment of crip artists in Bel­gi­um. Today, Jose­fien focu­ses on nar­ra­ti­vi­ty and tes­ti­mo­ni­als as art objects. In 2023, Jose­fien relea­sed their first book entit­led  ‘A Hou­se That Hurts’, whe­re it wri­tes about disa­bi­li­ty, mourning and the loss of a loved one.

Julie Van Wezemael

Julie Van Weze­mael (she/ her) is an illu­stra­tor from Ghent. Besi­des dra­wings, she also makes small sculp­tu­res from wood and cera­mics. She builds colour­ful worlds laced with sym­bo­lism, fau­na, flo­ra and play­ful details, some­ti­mes with a dark side. She is part of Gar­den of Delights, a col­lec­ti­ve inves­ti­ga­ting under­va­lu­ed work and dilet­tan­tism. The idea to host a Death Cafe aro­se during one of the mee­tings for their exhi­bi­ti­on Hard Work and Gent­le Labour at Kunst­hal in 2022.