Hosted by Poppy Mardall & Tonie Greig


Oct. 26, 2023

Start time:

10:30 a.m. (GMT)

End time:

12:00 p.m. (GMT)


Tooting Library

75 Mitcham Road




SW17 9PD

United Kingdom



This Death Cafe has taken place

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About this Death Cafe

Poppy and Tonie are glad to welcome you to Tooting Library for this Death Cafe. This will be an inclusive, informal and friendly opportunity to gather together to eat cake, drink tea and talk about death. It is a discussion group rather than a grief support or counselling session. This opportunity is for adults and not children. We'll see you there!  


About Poppy Mardall & Tonie Greig

Poppy founded funeral directors Poppy's in London in 2012 to bring a fresh approach. Her mission is to raise expectations of the care people receive when someone dies, and to educate people about their options at the end of their lives so they fully understand their rights and choices at this critical time. In addition to her work at Poppy's, Poppy has been a spokesperson on death, dying and funerals in the national media, a trustee for Cruse bereavement care, a hospice volunteer and a Samaritan.


Tonie had a career in teaching at secondary level, secondary teacher training and coaching. Upon retirement Tonie retrained as an end of life doula with Living Well Dying Well. She became a bereavement counsellor with St Christopher’s Hospice and now facilitates group bereavement courses. 


Contact the organiser of this Death Cafe

