Posted by Teresa Ford

Hosted by Teresa Ford

An Online Death Cafe

Virtual address:

United States

This Death Cafe has taken place

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About this Death Cafe

In our "Zoom" Death Cafe’s, if you are into spoken word, art, and/or poetry, and have a piece related to death and/life that’s meaningful to you, that you’d like to share, please bring it to share! We’d absolutely love that!
Also, if you have an article that you’ve found intriguing that you’d like to read/share, or a bit from a book, bring that too!
Whatever it is that you’d like to discuss/share, please feel free to do so. You may have even seen something on this page that struck your interest, that you’d like to bring up... Whatever is on your heart/mind, bring it! ...
Please join us on Facebook:

About Teresa Ford

Hello! My name is Teresa Ford.


I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, who works in the capacity of Behavioral/Mental Health. I currently work for an Indian Tribe in the beautiful state of Alaska. I am originally from the beautiful state of South Carolina.



I started this ZOOM Death Cafe' in April, 2023. I've never heard of a Death Cafe' until I completed a course through IAP Career College last November, to learn more about serving in the role of  an End of Life/Death Doula.



I have always had a facination with Death and the dying process, since I was a kid, and has had the opportunity to sit with many people and their families through the transitioning process.



I have always had a strong urge to be that source of peace as the soul transitions. My goal in this season in my life is to help open the doors of converstion, help bring awareness, and help in the preparation process concerning a subject that is taboo in so many communities (especially mine), as I am African American. Death just was not and still is not something that was talked about in my household, growing up.



Attending and facilitating Death Cafe's has been such a great experiece for me, internally. I enjoy listening to others perspectives around the topic, and having the ability to be vulnerable in safe spaces as I share my own thoughts around the topic of death and dying. I too have my own reservations regarding death, dying, and life.



I do apologize for the lenght, however it is hard to stop chatting about something in which you are passionate about.



We also have a Death Cafe' ZOOM Facebook page which follow the rules of Death Cafe'. The page lists upcoming Death Cafes.



Contact the organiser of this Death Cafe


Please also see:


May 11, 2024

Start time:

5:00 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time)

End time:

6:30 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time)
