Posted by AmyPenceBrown

Hosted by Death Cafe Boise + Funeral Consumers Alliance of Idaho


April 29, 2023

Start time:

12:00 p.m. (MST)

End time:

1:30 p.m. (MST)


Boise Public Library at Cole + Ustick

7557 W Ustick Rd, Boise, ID

Boise, Idaho


United States



This Death Cafe has taken place

Submit a write up for this Death Cafe

About this Death Cafe

The Death Café provides an opportunity for
an open conversation about death.
Facilitators will guide the process. Come join
the conversation and please bring your
curiosity, your interest and your experiences.
All are welcome and invited to participate! Free to attend and no registration required.
Address: Boise Public Library Cole and Ustick Branch
7557 W Ustick Rd, Boise, ID 83704
Cookies and tea will be served!
This Death Cafe is sponsored by and part of the annual meeting for the Funeral Consumers Alliance of Idaho. They will be having their meeting before the Cafe from 12-1pm, all are welcome to attend to learn more about them!
For more in the international Death Cafe movement visit
For specific questions for the facilitators of this event in Boise email


About Death Cafe Boise + Funeral Consumers Alliance of Idaho

Boise Death Cafe facilitators Susan Randall, Amy Pence-Brown, Dee Childers and Tammie Sherner will be hosting this Death Cafe at the library at the end of the Funeral Consumers Alliance of Idaho meeting. You can find out more about the FCAI does here on their website:

Contact the organiser of this Death Cafe


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