Posted by ElisabethKublerRossFoundation
Hosted by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross Foundation, Rhy Halpern
Date: | Aug. 8, 2023 |
Start time: | 10:00 a.m. (Pacific) |
End time: | 11:30 a.m. (Pacific) |
An Online Death Cafe
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About this Death Cafe
Rhy has been offering Death Cafes first at Mission Hospice in San Mateo, CA and during the pandemic starting hosting for the Elisabeth Kubler-Ross Foundation, where she offers one on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month. You can find all of our Death Cafes by Googling EKRF Death Cafes, and the Eventbrite listings will come up.
About Elisabeth Kubler-Ross Foundation, Rhy Halpern
As an End of Life Doula, Rhyena embraces the final decades, years, months, and days of our lives. She holds the space as people embrace the experience of intentionally planning for their death, as well as serving individuals through their final days of living while dying. Her role is one of compassionate, emotional, non-medical support and information sharing at end of life. She finds it is an honor and privilege to serve as a companion at the end of life.
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