Posted by cayateybailar

Death Cafe San Francisco, CA

Hosted by Danielle Brandon, Jim Van Buskirk, Harvey Schwartz and Anthony Rocco


Jan. 29, 2023

Start time:

12:00 p.m. (pacific)

End time:

2:00 p.m. (pacific)


Ground Floor

455 Valencia St

San Francisco



United States



This Death Cafe has taken place

Submit a write up for this Death Cafe

About this Death Cafe

We welcome you to our Death Cafe.
It is a respectful space where you can feel comfortable sharing your questions, curiosity, fears, beliefs and stories about any/all aspects of death, grief, mourning, bereavement. We have learned that there is often lots of laughter as well as a few tears.
Please read the notes below. See the website for more information and/or contact the organizer.
* No need to RSVP, just show up!
* Our Death Cafe begins promptly at 12:10 Please plan to arrive early so we can begin on time. We will go till 2pm or so. People arriving after 12:10 may not be able to be included due to the nature of the event. Thank you for arriving on time and understanding.
*Look for sign on door for number to call, if no door attendant

Contact the organiser of this Death Cafe

