Hosted by Rhyena Halpern


Jan. 10, 2023

Start time:

10:00 a.m. (PT)

End time:

11:30 a.m. (PT)

An Online Death Cafe

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About this Death Cafe

This Death Cafe is sponsored by the Elizsbeth Kubler Ross Foundation. Dr Kubler Ross launched the hospice movement in the USA. She was passionate about deep listening, loving connections with her patients, and her belief that acceptance of death and dying could free us to live more fully. She would have been a big fan of Death Cafes.

About Rhyena Halpern

As an End of Life Doula, Rhyena embraces the final decades, years, months and days of our lives. She
 holds the space as people embrace the experience of intentionally planning for their death. She is passionate about how the Death Cafe model changes people's  acceptance of death, dying and loss.

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