About this Death Cafe
Please register to receive the Zoom link via email or WhatsApp +14064396154.
Welcome to the inaugural Montana to France Virtual Death Cafe! I am looking forward to meeting all of you and hearing your thoughts, ideas, fears, concerns, all of it. I already know my thoughts, so I'm excited to have some fresh ideas thrown into the mix. Join us for a lively, open, safe conversation about death as well as coffee, tea kombucha, cake, scones, pie, croissants...whatever you want to bring the table...literally. See you the there!
About LiElla Kelly
LiElla Kelly is an End-of-Life Doula serving Helena, Montana. She can be found weekly on the podcast, Sing With Your Feet. LiElla is a proponent of death education and open, honest coversation about death.
Contact the organiser of this Death Cafe