Hosted by Jackie Naginey Hook

An Online Death Cafe

Virtual address:


United States

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About this Death Cafe

Please join our monthly virtual Death Café  where you can grab your favorite coffee, tea and dessert to  discuss death in the comfort of your own home. Our goal is to increase awareness to help us all make the most of our lives.  Contact to attend. 

About Jackie Naginey Hook

Jackie Naginey Hook, MA is a certified spiritual director, celebrant and end-of-life doula whose work helps people find hope, healing and wholeness. She coordinates the Helping Grieving Hearts Heal program with Koch Funeral Home, creating memorable funeral ceremonies and remembrance services,, community outreach and end-of-life support. Jackie also offers individual and group spiritual direction, programs and retreats in grief, loss, forgiveness and spirituality. Jackie has a B.S. in Business from Penn State University, an M.A. in Wellness from the University of Central Florida, certificates in spiritual direction through Oasis Ministries, a certificate in celebrancy through the Celebrant Foundation and Institute and training with the International End of Life Doula Association. She is co-founder of Learning to Live: What’s Your Story?, an initiative whose mission is to create educational and conversational opportunities for meaningful intergenerational exchanges on loss, grief, growth and transformation. She helped create HEART – Helping Empty Arms Recover Together, an organization that provides support for individuals who have experienced pregnancy loss, stillbirth, infant death and/or fertility issues. In addition, Jackie writes articles for the Centre Daily Times, Centre County Gazette, Huntingdon Daily News and Centered magazine. 


July 18, 2022

Start time:

4:30 p.m. (Eastern Time Zone)

End time:

5:30 p.m. (Eastern Time Zone)
