Hosted by Hemali Vora and Sherry Burns

An Online Death Cafe

Virtual address:


United States

This Death Cafe has taken place

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About this Death Cafe

Do you enjoy stimulating discussions on all topics death-related with a small group of friendly, like-minded people in a safe, supportive space? So do Hemali and Sherry! Join us for this virtual Death Cafe.


Space is limited to 15, so be sure to RSVP. You'll receive a Zoom link upon RSVPing.

About Hemali Vora and Sherry Burns

Hemali Vora lives in Maryland. She is a holistic Physical therapist, end-of-life doula, and intuitive healer. Hemali loves to talk about death and living life to the fullest with intention and purpose.

Sherry Burns lives in Santa Fe, NM, and is an end-of-life doula and hospice volunteer. She is a little obsessed with all aspects of dying--physical, psychological, spiritual, and cultural--and loves to talk about it.

Contact the organiser of this Death Cafe



Jan. 6, 2022

Start time:

5:30 p.m. (Mountain Standard Time)

End time:

7:00 p.m. (Mountain Standard Time)