Posted by Charlottetemple

Hosted by Charlotte Temple and Chantal Meystre


July 31, 2021

Start time:

10:30 a.m. (GMT)

End time:

12:30 p.m. (GMT)


Senior Citizens Club

Abbey End Car Park




United Kingdom



This Death Cafe has taken place

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About this Death Cafe

We are enthusiastic supporters of the Death Cafe movement, having attended various meetings ourselves.  Now we are creating some Warwickshire based sessions to create a chance for conversations with our local communities. 

As ever, this Death Cafe is a discussion group - not a counselling or support setting.  You'll find a warm welcome and a charming location with the beautiful garden just outside the doors of our meeting room. 

To book your place visit:

About Charlotte Temple and Chantal Meystre

Chantal Meystre is a retired palliative care consultant who now runs the Omega Course to encourage people to think about and prepare for death. 


Charlotte Temple is a former nurse and part of the Compassionate Communities team within University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire, who works in bereavement support amongst other community conversation activities.