Posted by LauraK

Online Death Cafe, EDT New York (all welcome!)

Hosted by Circle of Friends for the Dying and Death Cafe Westchester


Aug. 18, 2021

Start time:

7:00 p.m. (EDT)

End time:

8:30 p.m. (EDT)

An Online Death Cafe

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About this Death Cafe

At each event, after a brief introduction and guidelines review, small groups of four or five people will be randomly broken into separate virtual Zoom rooms for private conversations, with volunteer facilitators on hand to help keep the conversations flowing, if needed. Note: These are group-led conversations rather than grief support or counseling sessions.

About Circle of Friends for the Dying and Death Cafe Westchester

Last year people from all over the country joined our free virtual Death Cafés ((run by Circle of Friends for the Dying in Kingston, NY), with folks logging in to connect with each other and share their ideas and concerns about dying and death. 


Plus, we’ve teamed up with Death Café of Westchester–along with Barbara Sarah–for this series of virtual events. We are expanding our circles despite the necessity to maintain a distance from each other. By providing an online safe space for dialoguing and sharing, Death Café keeps the conversation going. Join our community, and let’s hang out and talk about dying and death!