Posted by suemannell

Virtual Death Cafe EST Windsor Essex County EST

Hosted by Doreen Thibert and Sue Timpson Mannell

An Online Death Cafe

Virtual address:

Windsor, Ontario


This Death Cafe has taken place

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About this Death Cafe

All are welcome to join our monthly virtual Death Cafe via Zoom.  Especially during this pandemic, it is good to be able to share our experiences of loss, our questions about the future and everything in between. 

Bring an open mind and a compassionate heart and come join Death Doula's Sue and Doreen, and let us know how death is showing up in your life. . 

To get your zoom link, please register at


Hope to "see" you there!

About Doreen Thibert and Sue Timpson Mannell


Sue Timpson Mannell,  Death Doula and Founder of Death Cafe Windsor Essex County  

Doreen Thibert, Death Doula and Founder of One Thread Consulting

Contact the organiser of this Death Cafe


Please also see:


March 21, 2021

Start time:

1:30 p.m. (Eastern)

End time:

3:00 p.m. (Eastern)
