About this Death Cafe
We are offering the first Death Cafe in Palo Alto, possibly on the Peninsula, because it's time to have this conversation here. Over 12,000 Death Cafes have taken place around thwe world since the first one in the UK in 2011.
Please join us for what is sure to be a lively discussion, thoughtful considering, inspiring insights, and good company!
Your Zoom link will be in the Eventbrite confirmation under Additional Information!
PLEASE register at https://www.eventbrite.com/o/mission-hospice-8225219301
About MIssion Hospice & Home Care and Seniors at Home, a division of Jewish Family & Children's Services and Mission Hospice & Home Care
Susan has had an intimate, personal, and professional, relationship with death for decades. In the hope that every person has a chance to talk about, explore, or if they wish, develop, a relationship with death before having to come to terms with their own death, or the death of a loved one, we offer this Death Cafe.
Susan Barber has worked in end of life care for the last 23 years, and spent ten years prior to that supporting friends/family who were dying.
Rhyena Halpern has been a hospice volunteer, a Community Ambassador Educatior for Mission Hospice and has trained as a death doula. Rhy also has a private practice as a health coach.
Contact the organiser of this Death Cafe