Hosted by Josephine Speyer, Sharon Young & Korina Giaxoglou


Nov. 7, 2014

Start time:

1:00 p.m. (London)

End time:

2:30 p.m. (London)


Kingston University

Penrhyn Road Campus

Kingston upon Thames



United Kingdom


This Death Cafe is part of a ticketed event (the ticket fee covers coffee, tea & cake and organisational expenses for the research day). Contact the organisers if you'd prefer to attend the Death Cafe only.

This Death Cafe has taken place

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About this Death Cafe

The Death Cafe is part of a one-day Research Seminar on Death & Dying that features guest talks and poster presentations by academics and practioners on death, dying and mourning and contemporary approches to end-of-life, suicide and bereavement. 

Participants in the Research Seminar will have a chance to experience a Death Cafe discussion group and attend a specially commissioned performance on dying by Josh Whatsize. 

Contact Korina on to book your place or go to the eventbrite page for the event: 

Contact the organiser of this Death Cafe


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