Posted by Glynis German

GRAN Death Cafe Online CET

Hosted by Glynis German, Festival Dando Vida a la Muerte


Nov. 7, 2020

Start time:

5:00 p.m. ((GMT+1:00) Madrid)

End time:

7:00 p.m. ((GMT+1:00) Madrid)

An Online Death Cafe

This Death Cafe has taken place

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About this Death Cafe

This event is primarily in Spanish but English will be accommodated.  Once you join the Zoom room, don't forget to change your name and add ENG before it.

Follow us on FB and Instagram for more information about the festival @dandovidaalamuerte

About Glynis German, Festival Dando Vida a la Muerte

The "Giving Life to Death Festival" is the first of its kind in Spain and takes place from 1st to 7th November.  There'll be conferences, film nights and more during the week ending with the world's first "massive" online Death Café on the last day! 

There'll be a surprise presentation by Jools Barsky to start the session and then we'll break out into rooms on Zoom and English of course will be accommodated there with seasoned facilitators of Spanish Death Cafés.

To participate, please fill out the form and don't forget to state English as your preferred language of communication!

Contact the organiser of this Death Cafe


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