Posted by Ifcsponsor

Hosted by Informed Final Choices


Nov. 8, 2014

Start time:

2:00 p.m. (Mountain time/usa)

End time:

4:00 p.m. (Mountain time/usa)


The Season's Cafe

1110 East HWY 50

Corner of Palmer and HWY 50

Adjacent to the Shell Station

Salida, Colorado


United States


Donations requested to help continue providing Death Cafe opportunities in our rural area

This Death Cafe has taken place

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About this Death Cafe

informed Final Choices, an educational nonprofit, provides information, materials and workshops on end of life issues. A generous Grant has provided IFC with the opportunity to sponsor Death Cafes and other events at no cost to the participants.

The Season's Cafe provides a warm environment for this gathering, with delicious sweets and tea that will surely enhance the participant-directed conversation.

About Informed Final Choices

Malina Feder has previously hosted Death Cafes. As a former social worker, sacred vocalist and massage therapist, she has developed skillful and sensitive methods of communication. Malina has a wonderful sense of humor and deep understanding of the opportunities Death Cafe provides for all participants.

Contact the organiser of this Death Cafe


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