Posted by Glynis German

España Death Cafe CET

Hosted by Glynis German


Oct. 2, 2020

Start time:

6:00 p.m. ((GMT+1:00) Madrid)

End time:

8:00 p.m. ((GMT+1:00) Madrid)

An Online Death Cafe

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About this Death Cafe

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About Glynis German

El comité organizador del primer Festival Dando Vida a la Muerte (España, del 1 al 7 de noviembre) está encantado de compartir este evento con todas y todos en preparación para el GRAN DEATH CAFÉ (7 de noviembre, de 17:00 a 19:00 GMT+1). ¡Esperamos que el 7 de noviembre hagamos historia al tener el evento más grande de la historia del Death Café!

The organisation committee of the very first Giving Life to Death Festival (Spain, 1st to 7th November) are delighted to share this event with you in preparation for the BIGGEST DEATH CAFE (7th Nov, 5pm to 7pm GMT+1).  We are hoping that on the 7th November we'll make DC history by having the biggest event ever!

Contact the organiser of this Death Cafe


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