Posted by CareSpace

Hosted by Annie Birken
Date: | Sept. 25, 2020 |
Start time: | 5:00 p.m. (CET) |
End time: | 6:30 p.m. (CET) |
Address: |
CareSpace Waterspiegelplein 10D Amsterdam 1051 PB Netherlands |
Accepts donations |
This Death Cafe has taken place
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About this Death Cafe
Due to restrictions related to Covid-19 we can only host a group a maximum 8 participants. Please reaserve your place beforehand through the website.
Vanwege RIVM richtlijnen kunnen we een maximum van 8 deelnemers verwelkomen. U kunt uw plaats reserveren via de website.
About Annie Birken
Annie Birken is founder of CareSpace, a social initiative offering support and training to professionals, family caregivers and everyone involved in care for the ill, bereaved and dying. Her great wish is for everyone to have the inner tools to deal with illness, loss and death in the best possible way.
Annie Birken is oprichter van CareSpace, een organisatie die ondersteuning en training biedt aan zorgprofessionals, mantelzorgers en iedereen die betrokken is bij de zorg rondom ziekte, verlies en sterven. Haar grootste wens is dat iedereen het persoonlijk gereedschap mag hebben om met ziekte, verlies en sterven om te gaan.
Contact the organiser of this Death Cafe
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