CANCELLED - Faversham OUTDOOR Death Cafe

Hosted by Louise Allen and Roz Macklin


Sept. 20, 2020

Start time:

2:00 p.m. (GMT)

End time:

4:00 p.m. (GMT)


Abbey Physic Community Garden

Abbey Place


ME13 7BJ

United Kingdom



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About this Death Cafe

The fact that one day we are all going to die is one of the few things we can be certain of in life, and yet it's something that relatively few of us talk about. It means that when we do come closer to death (our own, or those we care about) we are often not prepared for the thoughts, feelings and considerations we find ourselves facing.

Talking about and sharing our thoughts, beliefs, experiences and concerns can help us to live our lives in a more considered way and avoid some of the common regrets people have when they approach death.

Death Cafés provide a relaxed and informal space for people to get together to drink tea, eat cake and talk about death and dying. 

People usually find the cafés life affirming and often leave feeling uplifted or with a sense of connection.

It isn't a counselling or bereavement group. It is a safe space to talk about a topic we often avoid, with other people who are also living and are also going to die.


We are delighted to be holding our second outdoor Death Café at the beautiful Abbey Physic Community Garden. We will be restricting numbers to ensure we can gather in a safe, responsible and comfortable way while keeping to social distancing guidelines.


The Death Cafe is held in a walled garden run as a charity providing companionship, therapeutic activities,  training and skill building for people with mental health issues, those who are socially isolated and everyone in the wider community. The setting provides a warm and cosy space in a natural environment, giving opportunity for connection with other life cycles - we even have a composting toilet to complete the loop!

About Louise Allen and Roz Macklin

Louise is a qualified counsellor and former Deputy Manager of the Abbey Physic Community Garden. Louise is passionate about talking about death, dying and life! 

Louise will be hosting the Death Café and will be able to signpost people to further support should they find any of the themes during the cafe distressing. 



Roz is an experienced group facilitator with a keen interest in death and dying. 


Roz will be welcoming people to the cafe and facilitating a safe, welcoming and inclusive space for people to engage as much or as little as they want in the conversations.

Contact the organiser of this Death Cafe
