Posted by Rosalie

Death Cafe North London on Zoom BST

Hosted by Rosalie Kuyvenhoven


July 15, 2020

Start time:

8:00 p.m. (BST)

End time:

9:30 p.m. (BST)

An Online Death Cafe

This Death Cafe has taken place

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About this Death Cafe

Join us Wednesday 15th July April 2020 on Zoom for an evening filled with life-affirming conversations about death and our mortality. 


Death Cafe is a safe space to listen, talk and share your thoughts, feelings, ideas and experiences around death and dying.


Bring an open mind and a drink of your choice.


When: Wednesday 15th July 8.00-9.30pm.


Places are limited to 12 people.


Please note that the set-up of the evening doesn't allow for people coming late. 


Email Rosalie for more information, booking and the login details: / 0044 (0)7543063286

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About Rosalie Kuyvenhoven

Rosalie Kuyvenhoven is an award-winning London based celebrant. She creates and conducts warm, sensitive and truthful ceremonies for any life-event: end-of-life, funerals, weddings and others. She has hosted Death Cafes since 2016 and has been surprised by the liberating, uplifting and life-affirming outcomes of the conversations. 






Contact the organiser of this Death Cafe

