Posted by Nick Wilde

Hosted by Nick Wilde


June 2, 2020

Start time:

3:00 p.m. (UK)

End time:

4:30 p.m. (UK)

An Online Death Cafe

This Death Cafe has taken place

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About this Death Cafe

Although aimed at IoW residents previous Death Cafes have enjoyed the participation from interesting people from around the world. Our discussions takre place in English If you would like to take part please email me and I will let you have the Zoom link nearer the date.

About Nick Wilde

Nick had facillitated Death Cafes in Beford, England and Newport, Isle of Wight as well as at Quaker events. This is the third IoW Death Cafe for those who live on the Island of which Jane Austen wrote " She thinks of nothing but the Isle of Wight and she calls it 'The Island' as if there were no other island in the world."  Mansfield Park. 
