About this Death Cafe
Come join us, over (virtual) coffee and cake, to chat about death.
Death Café is a safe place to explore your thoughts about death and to discuss them with others. Through a facilitated group discussion, you will have a relaxed, informal space where you can talk openly. Normally, after the Café, we would encourage you to walk around the historic grounds of Brompton Cemetery, but that will have to wait ….
Due to current circumstances, this online event will be held via Zoom. The discussion is open to London residents who will be able to participate in an event at the cemetery when the restrictions are lifted.
Spaces are limited. Please register by emailing deathcafe.bromptoncemetery@gmail.com.
About Lia Shimada and The Friends of Brompton Cemetery
Lia Shimada is a professional mediator and community facilitator. Her infant son, Rowan, is buried at Brompton Cemetery.
The Friends of Brompton Cemetery is an independent charity of volunteers, working in partnership with the Royal Parks for the restoration, maintenance and continuing improvement of Brompton Cemetery. (brompton-cemetery.org.uk)
Contact the organiser of this Death Cafe