Hosted by Megan Miller & Andi Earl

An Online Death Cafe

Virtual address:



United States

This Death Cafe has taken place

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About this Death Cafe

Join us for virtual Death Cafe Lansing! We will be meeting via video call (Zoom) - Just click this link to join:

(Meeting password: 12345)

Our Death Cafe is a place to freely share any topic around death & dying. Our format is a discussion circle group. Everyone is encouraged to share honestly and with confidence.


About Megan Miller & Andi Earl

Megan & Andi are passionately interested in making the topic of death a part of our everyday lives.

Megan is a registered nurse, PhD candidate and hospice volunteer.

Andi is the Director of Operations at a local hospice organization with a MSA in Health Admin with a concentration in Ethics.


Contact the organiser of this Death Cafe



May 2, 2020

Start time:

10:00 a.m. (Eastern)

End time:

11:30 a.m. (Eastern)