Hosted by Hayley West


Aug. 8, 2014

Start time:

11:00 a.m. (Greenwich Mean Time Zone (UTC+00:00) )

End time:

1:00 p.m. (Greenwich Mean Time Zone (UTC+00:00) )


Hôtel La Résidence

159 Avenue Blaise Diagne





No cost

This Death Cafe has taken place

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About this Death Cafe

This Death Cafe is being hosted in the fabulous colonial style Hôtel La Résidence.

English will be the predominant language spoken, however French and Wolof speakers are encouraged to attend, we can try and translate for each other!

Drinks and food can be ordered, I will check on cake availability :)


About Hayley West

Hayley West is a current artist in residence at Waaw Residence in Saint-Louis Senegal, and a Masters candidate with Charles Darwin University, Australia.

Her research focuses on death and mourning rituals and ways of grieving.

Hayley has co-hosted Death Cafes in the Blue Mountains, Australia.

Contact the organiser of this Death Cafe

