Caregiver strain

Lizzy Miles from Death Cafe Columbus and Megan Mooney from Death Cafe St. Joe recently visited Hong Kong to take part in the International Conference on Grief and Bereavement in Contemporary Society presenting on Death Cafe. This coincided with the first ever Death Cafe in Hong Kong hosted by Ms. Pearl Tse, Ms. Carmen Yau, & Dr. Andy Ho.

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Found these two articles in the South China Morning Post back to back. I forgot the date. Sadly they speak to the universal nature of caregiver stress.  I am thankful that there are social workers like Megan Mooney who are working on interventions to support caregivers.  Megan's Caregiver Facebook discussion group is truly innovative.  At ICGB, we learned about other ways patient and caregiver anxiety can be reduced via mind-body training, art therapy or biofeedback systems.