Benefits of an online death café
Posted by Glynis German

At the online Death Café held recently, we were 14 curious souls who gathered from the comfort of our homes to share reflections, experiences, thoughts and more. The majority of attendees have attended many a Death Café in the past and those who live in Mallorca would have attended in person pre COVID. Since March last year the Mallorca Death Café has been attended by people from the UK, USA, Eire, Portugal and all over Spain, thanks to the internet platform of Zoom making these connections possible.
Whilst everyone would prefer to meet in the familiar settings of a tea room or a beautiful Mallorcan mountain garden, we all agree that the internet settting works just as well. After all, the practise of deep listening and heart-felt connection is what makes attending a death café a sublime experience, whether in person or online.
At last week’s encounter, a collective wisdom was palpable right from the beginning. Whilst four people were attending for the very first time, everyone else joined with their usual enthusiasm and while subjects discussed were varied, all were connected. We gathered up quotes generously shared to add to our treasure chest of great moments: the gift of life is life itself or L.I.F.E - living intentionally fully engaged.
Our youngest member shared poetry written to deal with the loss of a parent and in that sharing the group came closer together realising that talking about death brings with it healing. From accepting the taboo that death often brings to realising that learning is living, we left after two hours fulfilled and blessed to have spent time together in love, generosity, respect and compassion.
(Photo taken from a previous online Death Café with permission given by participants)