Professional interest in death cafes

Posted by Cathryn on Jan. 25, 2017, 5:54 a.m. 1 comment


I am organising my first cafe in Leicester, and have had a really good response in the couple of days it has been live. However quite a few of the contacts are from people with a professional interest in death and dying - doing research, involved in projects etc. I am concerned that they might overwhelm those who are coming without an agenda. Any tips or experiences woudl be gratefully received!




Professionals are people too

Hi Cathryn
I wrote an academic piece about Death Cafes and I addressed this exact subject. Professionals often don't have the opportunity in their workplace to "process" so they naturally could be attracted to Death Cafes. Death Cafe provides a great service to them. I set expectations up front that there is absolutely no marketing or "networking" of any kind. Yes, there are professionals who wonder if Death Cafe is a good place for prospecting, and if that is their purpose then I shut that down completely. But don't forget the personal side of the professional!! I have had doctors who talked about the difference between what they tell their patients and what they deal with for their parents. professionals aren't necessarily bad.

Posted by Cathryn

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