Press enquiry
Posted by Deathpositive on Aug. 26, 2019, 6:54 a.m. 1 comment
hi there
I wonder if anyone can help? Im hosting a death cafe at a venue that has its own magazine - and they have asked me to be interviewed for it. There are questions about death cafe so I can answer them and give all the info on the guidelines/ history/ how to start one etc but there are also some personal questions on my opinions about death etc. The magazine is for the venue only and will not be available at the death cafe for the participants. Is this ok? and does anyone have any advice re guidelines and press?
many thanks
Hi there.
I assume the event has been and gone... not sure if anybody got back to you regarding your query.
Were you unsure about answering the personal questions?
I think it'll be OK for you to answer them, just as long as you make sure the interviewers know that you're not answering on behalf of This is my personal opinion anyway.
I'm intrigued as to how it went for you (if indeed it has been and gone). Feel free to send me an email at or if you're on Twitter you can find me at @Gavinwhyte888
Posted by Gavin