Comox Death Cafe

Death Cafes have been held in the Comox Valley for four years now, at several different locations in Courtenay, a small city on Vancouver Island, BC


Our gathering on October 23 was the second one located in our new meeting place in Comox, a town that is also part of the Comox Valley.  D''Esterre House, an attractive multi-level building overlooking the Comox Marina and the Beaufort Mountain, is the home of the Comox Serniors Centre.  

At the first session, held in September, we welcomed 9 participants.  After introductions, including some hisory of Death Cafes, a group conversation took place that raised lots of issues, and more than a few laughs.

For the second session, our numbers doubled to 20, including several who were new to the concept of such a gathering.  In anticipation of more participants we had the room set up into tables for four, and this worked well.  Each table did have at least one person who had attended previous cafes, leaving the hosts free to move from table to table.  The room was soon buzzing.  Some stayed with the suggested questioins, others moved on into sharing their own stories and experiences.  All seemed to have been glad that they had attended, and stated intentions of being there for our next cafe on November 27th.

Coffee, tea and cookies were provided, and enjoyed.  Along with a welcome sheet requesting names and contact information, there was a sheet stating that a contribution towards the rental of the facility, while not necessary, would be welcome.  We do pay a rental of $50C to the Seniors Centre.  Coincidentally this was covered exactly.

Participants appreciate the quiet and privacy that the Centre afforded on a Sunday afternoon.  The lower leave is completely accessible, as was appreciated by one guest using a wheelchair.  We look forward to an even more successful gathering in November, and plan to request approval from the Centre Board to continue to meet on the 4th Sunday for the first four months of 2017 

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