Our 4th Death Cafe....

and the night was cold but warm inside.  There were new attendees and some of us old ones.....  The conversations were both diverse and interesting.  One attendee shared her plans on a new direction in her life as she gets close to retirement and does not want to spend too many more winters in the north of Alberta.  Her plans are to do her utmost best to enjoy her finite life doing what she wants to and seeing the world on her terms.  Another shared her journey with her diagnosis of terminal cancer and how she too has chosen how to be in control of her last days, months or years. And she feels better for her decision and has the support of most of her family.  Others chatted about planning or not planning for there funeral, whether to have a service or not..... and it being February fancy cupcakes were served along with coffee and tea.

NOTE:  one newbie thought we could end the night with a "cinnamon bun" hug, all joined in and it was a great way to end the night...  THANKS EVERYONE


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