Death Café Didsbury

Twenty-one people attended our inaugural Death Café — a wonderful turnout, considering the size of our town and the fact that most participants had never heard of a Death Café before receiving their invitation. It is a testament to their open-mindedness and curiosity that they came even when they ‘weren’t sure what it would look like.’ We met on a beautiful spring afternoon at our local coffee house where balloons and candies welcomed participants to the tables reserved for our group. It was set up salon style so, after the introduction, people facilitated their own conversations at their individual tables. After a 40 minute discussion, we took a 10 minute break to refresh bodies and drinks and then moved to another table for a second discussion with a different group of people. The afternoon went smoothly — and very quickly! The feedback was overwhelmingly positive, with the words ‘enlightening/insightful,’ ‘comfortable,’ ‘interesting’ and ‘fun’ showing up often in the feedback form. Yes, fun! (I love it!) There was definite interest in continuing with the Death Cafés. The next one will probably be in June.

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