First Death Cafe South Scottsdale

The first time hosting Death Cafe went smoothly. It was scheduled from 3-5pm.  We had some social free time at the beginning. We stayed on time though feedback included that someone wanted more time in the conversation about death.  Duly noted.

Attendees ranged in age from 18 to 75.  Cake and other goodies were served with tea, coffee and of course plenty of water in Arizona. The "comfortable" rating averaged "4.5" on the 1-5 scale. The "overall experience"rating averaged "3.7" on the 1-4 scale.

Words from the "big take away" include;

Rich, Deep, Wisdom has no age, Transparency, Practical, Changes, Arduous, Relevant.

Looking forward to hosting again to continue the conversation.

Thank you Mr. Underwood for creating this platform on which I stand to fulfill a life purpose.


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