
It was great to see so many people at the Death Café on Tuesday 31st March. Many more than we had anticipated, as you could tell from the size of the room we had booked!

Thanks for all of your feedback, which we will use for planning our next event.


From your suggestions we intend to hold a Death Café in Canterbury 4 times a year

We will also be sourcing a café space in the centre of Canterbury that can accommodate up to 40 people with 5 tables of up to 8.


We will also provide some introductions to our conversations and suggest some topics for each table to discuss. Topics suggested have been:

·         Death is what we all have in common - Recognising that everything passes

·         Facing our own mortality as an aid to living well and dying well

·         Facing death with and without a religious conviction

·         Supporting each other in the face of sudden unexpected death

·         Preparing ourselves and others for our own death


You may be interested in looking at the following: Irvin Yalom, author of Staring at the Sun talks about Death on:


We will send out details of the next event within the next two weeks, in the meantime please contact us, leave a comment or make a suggestion at:

or Google Death Café Canterbury

or E-mail:



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