Death Cafe Roseville CA

I was so delighted to host my first Death Cafe in Roseville, at Mimi's Cafe.  Six souls showed up to drink tea, eat one of the three desserts I brought, and talk about death and dying.  We had a chocolate flourless cake, coffee cake, and vegan cookies so all culinary tastes were accomodated.  One participant came all the way from Paso Robles.  Our conversation flowed around our early experiences of death, our current dealings with death of loved ones and experiences we have had with those who have passed sending us messages in some form.  The time flew by and I know there was probably much more we could explore.

We will hold our next Death Cafe Roseville on June 23, 7:00 - 8:30 pm, the location to be decided.  Please feel free to join us next time as we share our thoughts and feelings on this most relevant topic.  

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