Hosted by Fifth Element Ranch With Tara Pogoda and Karen Wyatt MD


July 22, 2014

Start time:

10:30 a.m. (Mountain)

End time:

12:00 p.m. (Mountain)


Fifth Element Ranch

6821 West CR 12

Loveland, Colorado


United States


Donations will pay for facility costs, coffee, supplies and food for the horses!

This Death Cafe has taken place

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About this Death Cafe

We are drawn to Death Cafe by our mutual awareness that death is a natural part of life and our concern that society is out of touch with this fact. We are combining our wisdom and experience as an equine therapy specialist and a hospice physician in order to create a safe and supportive environment where conversations about death and dying can freely take place. By holding these meetings at the horse rance we can all benefit from the relaxed yet aware presence of our magnificent four-legged companions, who offer us courage and strength as we discuss the end of life.

We intend to blaze a trail by creating the first-ever Death Cafe held at a horse ranch. The horses will stand by as silent partners while our conversations take place and the presence of nature will remind us that death is always a part of life. We believe that these natural surroundings will enhance our discussions about death and provide comfort as we contemplate the difficult issues of life.

This event is free but donations are greatly appreciated ($12 suggested) to offset facility costs, coffee, and supplies. Snacks to share are welcomed!

This event is limited to a maximum of 12 participants. All participants must Pre-register and sign a release form. Contact


About Fifth Element Ranch With Tara Pogoda and Karen Wyatt MD

Tara Pogoda, owner of Fifth Element Ranch, is an Advanced Eponaquest Instructor (Equine Specialist/Facilitator) and Energy Medicine Therapist who specializes in human-horse bond facilitation, particularly in healing grief, trauma and emotional distress.

Karen Wyatt, MD is a hospice physician who is passionate about helping people d discover what really matters in life by embracing death and learning to live fully in every moment. She is the author of What Really Matters and A Matter of Life & Death and is the founder of End-of-Life University.

Contact the organiser of this Death Cafe
