Hosted by Korina Giaxoglou


May 13, 2014

Start time:

1:00 p.m. (UK )

End time:

3:00 p.m. (UK )


Rose Theatre, The Swallow Bakery Cafe

24-26 High Street




United Kingdom


The Kingston Death Café is sponsored by the Kingston University Alumni Opportunity Fund

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About this Death Cafe

The event coincides with and supports the fifth annual Dying Matters Awareness Week (12-18 May 2014), which aims to get as many people as possible thinking, talking and acting on issues relating to the improvement of the end of life experience. The Death Cafe at the Rose Theatre is envisaged as an informal and lively discussion about death and dying matters with no pre-set agenda or theme. Tea and cake will be served. 





About Korina Giaxoglou


Dr Korina Giaxoglou

Having completed a PhD thesis on the verbal art of lamenting in Inner Mani (South Peloponnese, Greece) at King's College London, Korina teaches on a range of sociolinguistics modules  at Kingston University London, Department of Linguistics and Languages and leads the MA course in Language and Society.  Her research interests lie at the interface of linguistic anthropology, sociocultural linguistics and the sociolinguistics of narrative with a focus on traditional and digital practices of mourning. She is a member of BAAL (British Association for Applied Linguistics), the UK Linguistic Ethnography Forum, the American Anthropological Association, the Death Online Network and the Dying Matters Coalition. 

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