Posted by Judi

Hosted by Judith Edwards


Nov. 2, 2016

Start time:

3:00 p.m. (GMT)

End time:

5:00 p.m. (GMT)


The Lounge

227 North Street




United Kingdom


Voluntary donations will cover costs of publicising the event, stationery etc.

This Death Cafe has taken place

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About this Death Cafe

I am excited to be taking on the Death Cafe in Bristol after Emma Edwards who ran them for the last two years.  I can't guarantee I'll be as good as Emma or do it the same way but I'll give it my best go!  I am deeply committed to helping people to prepare for the end of their life whenever they choose to start making their plans - not just when faced with illness.  When you think of the work that goes into other significant events like weddings and moving house, surely we should give death the same consideration?!

About Judith Edwards

My name is Judi Edwards and I am a death doula based in Bristol.  I am a qualified social worker and was trained by Marie Curie to work with people with a life-limiting illness. My experience of nursing my mother at the end of her life and enabling her to remain at home is what brought me into this work.

Contact the organiser of this Death Cafe
