Posted by Rabbi Joe Blair

Hosted by Rabbi Joe Blair


Jan. 6, 2016

Start time:

7:00 p.m. (Eastern)

End time:

9:00 p.m. (Eastern)


Temple House of Israel

15 North Market Street

Staunton VA


United States


Free. Donations accepted to offset costs incurred.

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About this Death Cafe

Death and funerals have long been taboo subjects, not discussed in 'polite' company, and when discussed, it is often only in whispers.

Many end-of-life rituals are unknown until experienced for the first time—and even then remain shrouded in mystery or misunderstandings. How does one visit with the dying? How should one comfort the bereaved? What can be expected in a hospital, a hospice, or a funeral home? What is a home funeral? What thoughts and experiences do you want to share?


Death Café of the Shenandoah Valley is an opportunity to meet with others in a safe space to talk about those issues, and more. We will use a small-groups approach, with conversation starters. Where the conversation goes, and what you say are up to you. 

Death Cafe of the Shenandoah Valley is sponsored by Temple House of Israel and Congregation Beth El, but is non-denominational and open to all who wish to attend and participate. 

Join us and feel free to openly talk about what is on your mind concerning Dying and Death.


About Rabbi Joe Blair

Rabbi Joe Blair brings a wealth of experience and background to this project. He has volunteered in work related to dying and death in multiple capacities since 1987. 

He is serving as the spiritual leader of the Staunton and Harrisonburg Jewish communities for the 13th year at this date. Prior to that he served at Hillels at the University of Virginia and Duke University. 

He is a staff member of Kavod v'Nichum (Honor & Comfort), an international organization focusing on honoring the dying and dead, and comforting mourners through Jewish rituals, practices and customs.

He serves as Administrative Dean and a faculty member for the Gamliel Institute, a leadership training arm of Kavod v'Nichum, offering advanced studies in Jewish rituals and pracices concerning the end-of-life continuum. 

Rabbi Blair is a principal of the online resource Jeiwsh Values Online, focusing on matters related to Jewish values, ethics, morals, and proper behavior. 

Rabbi Blair was ordained and graduated from the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College with a M.H.L.. He holds a J.D. from the Marshall Wythe Law School at the College of William and Mary, a M.C.S. in Computer Sciences from the school of egineering at the University of Virginia, and a B.A. in Environmental Sciences from the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Virginia. He was selected as a STAR PEER Rabbinic fellow. 

He has taught and lectured at a wide variety of locations and institutions, including Piedmont Virginia CC, Duke University, the University of Virginia, Blue Ridge CC, Mary Baldwin College, Bridgewater College, Eastern Mennonite University, and James Madison University. 



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