First Death Cafe

Posted by Nicole Bruder on Oct. 28, 2015, 9:15 a.m. 1 comment

On October 18 we hosted our very first Death Cafe in Woodstock, Ontario, Canada.  Being the first one we did not know what to expect so we were prepared with lots of questions we could pose if no one wanted to talk.  When we began we introduced ourselves and I began the session by sharing some of death euphimisms and that got the ball rolling.  We had 12 people attend and they all were there because they had an interest in talking about death.  Our two hours flew by.  The coffee and treats were amazing and the attendees were very forthcoming in sharing their experiences and questions.  We truly believe that our community is ready for these conversations so we've decided to hold another one on November 29 then begin again in the New year with the hopes of running Death Cafes bi-monthly.  This was something I have wanted to do for a long time now and I'm so excited that it has become a reality!!

Good luck to anyone about to facilitate their first one and to those who continue with Death Cafe, kudos to you as it is needed. 

I'm wondering if anyone has held Death Cafes for certain sectors such as Health Care workers?  I believe they need somewhere to debrief and that a public Death Cafe may not be the ideal situation for them and I would like to explore this more.  Any thoughts?

Thank you for reading.

Nicole Bruder


health care Death Cafe

I have lots of thoughts on your question w/some experience... would rather exchange emails. More than I can write here. Please feel free to get in touch! Lizzy Miles

Posted by Columbus Death Cafe/Lizzy Miles

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