
Posted by sharonlee on June 15, 2014, 6:03 p.m. 4 comments

Hello Everyone,


Just wondering, in your experience, what an optimal number of people should be in a Death Cafe?  Our first one we had 30, and I know we will be having lots more in the second one.  Is this too many?  Should we limit the size to encourage a more intimate group?  I'm thinking 25-30 max, but I'm just not sure.  I don't want anyone not to have the experience of going to a Death Cafe either.  Not sure what to do.  Thanks. Sharon


Well congratulations on filling a need! Too many people wanting to come just goes to show the value of these events to people. Portland consistently has the larger size events. No matter the size of the event, I would always recommend having the discussions in groups of 4. Then whether you have 12 or 40 the experience is mostly he same. I personally prefer the smaller overall size as well myself. It also depends on how many co-hosts you have. I do not facilitate each table but rather check in at each table. That would be hard to do with just one or two people if your size is 40.

Posted by Columbus Death Cafe/Lizzy Miles


Sharon, I actually prefer smaller, more intimate groups. Most of the death cafes I have facilitated have had between 10 and 20. I like it closer to 10. It seems people are more relaxed and open.

Posted by Paula Schneider


Thanks so much for taking the time to reply, Paula! Yes, it does seem that smaller groups allow people to be more relaxed and open. Bigger is not necessarily better!

Posted by sharonlee


Sharon--I've had 5 Death Cafes so far with 8-12 participants. I've loved the small groups cause everyone has a chance to talk. My inclination would be to break into smaller groups were the gatherings much larger.

Posted by nancyreecejones

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